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I believe that being humble and authentic are key to thriving and living an abundant life. Richness is gained in what you give away.  My blog, Granted Grace, is a place where celebrating Jesus Christ, the creator and sustainer of life, are at the core of my site’s mission. Encouraging others to connect with Jesus and experience the abundance that is only found in him is what inspired me to start this blog.

As believers, we are called to be unified in community.  I believe that the same principles of leadership that Jesus taught his disciples can be applied to the business world today.  To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn more about what makes me tick and find out what excites and interests you, as well.

Available Now

My book, The Stepping Stones of Spiritual Maturity will be released on February 1st.  It is available for purchase on the Kharis Publishing website or for pre-order through Amazon.

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