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God's Perfect Plan

God has shown me how I do not trust every step of His path, even though I was convinced I trusted His perfect plan.  I stand in terror in the big moments when the fear of being consumed by evil grips me.  Moments like this, where God asked Moses to go back from where he fled, back to where he felt he didn’t belong.  Beyond the big moments, I also struggle to continue along a path that God has called me to, if that path requires remaining reliant on him.  I desire the storm to leave quickly.  Like the Israelites, I would have wanted to take the quickest route to the promised land regardless of what I needed to learn in the wilderness.  Recently, God has been showing me a third moment in my life where doubt can overtake me.  An area I had never really considered before.  Doubt in the wait.

Do you ever read something in the Bible and just get giddy from its significance?  “He said, ‘But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.’” (Exodus 3:12).  Typically signs precede the event.  Why would Moses need confirmation that he was sent by God after the people were successfully freed from bondage?  Moses would have already ventured to Egypt to fulfill his purpose.  It struck me, this is not a sign for the “big” moment of deliverance.  This is not intended to give him courage to GO to Egypt.  The very first sign God gives him is a reassurance to stay the course once they are in the wilderness.  This is encouragement to be patient and long-suffering and to trust in God’s goodness in the wait after the high of the big moment has waned and you begin to feel weary.  I see a new glimpse of my God in relation to his path and his plan.  This is a God who affirms to us that we can trust him and does not require blind faith from us, but faith that is solidly built on the proven promises of God.  I see a God who is planning and preparing for the next leg of the journey before this leg of the journey even begins.  He’s not only focused on convincing Moses to go to Egypt.  He’s already preparing him to remain committed and not doubt His perfect, sovereign plan in the wait.  Oh Lord, how this speaks to my heart.

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My book, The Stepping Stones of Spiritual Maturity will be released on February 1st.  It is available for purchase on the Kharis Publishing website or for pre-order through Amazon.

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